Health & Wellness

As a Health and Wellness Coach, I have the ability to support and empower women who are ready to change their mindset; and their status quo using my proprietary Value System and implementing actionable steps that lead to lifelong transformations. Using online lessons and coaching sessions, I assist women by devising a customized plan that is right for you.

What is Wellness?

Wellness is a conscious and purposeful process that requires a person to become aware of and make choices leading to a more rewarding lifestyle. A wellness lifestyle is one that includes a balance of healthy lifestyle habits such as: an adequate amount of sleep, opportune times for rest, and sources of good nutrition; times of productivity and regular exercise. Constituents must also have ample opportunities that allow for participation in enjoyable activities, making connections with people and finding communities that are supportive.

Coaching is a partnership.  We will work together to focus on the goals you desire to achieve, while developing strategies that help you achieve them.  We will choose to emphasize your strengths and focus on wellness and fulfillment in the wellness dimensions.  Wellness coaching is about taking action in your life and implementing actionable steps based upon knowledge that you've acquired.  After each coaching session, you will apply what you have learned and create something new, and meaningful in your life.

As your coach I assist you in the following ways:

  • Focus on personal health and wellness strengths and needs.
  • Brainstorm ideas about wellness goals and strategies you can do to achieve those goals.
  • Assist with finding solutions for the health problem(s) and concerns that you may face by asking questions that help you to understand your personal situation.
  • Support you in setting and achieving a goal, and
  • Support and motivate you to complete your wellness plan in order to achieve your wellness goals

Daily wellness activities help you manage stress and build purpose. You have the power to strengthen your own wellbeing over the course of your lifetime. We incorporate and build on the eight dimensions of wellbeing (environmental, emotional, intellectual, physical, spiritual, social, financial and occupational as the foundation for our holistic health goals.